
The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Read articles and watch videos published by Subconscious Designs exploring the inner workings of the subconscious mind and how to utilize its power and strength to create the world we desire.


The power of the subconscious mind

Read articles and watch videos published by Subconscious Designs exploring the inner workings of the subconscious mind and how to utilize its power and strength to create the world we desire.

10 subconscious beliefs blocking successful women from lasting love

Subconscious beliefs are deeply ingrained thought patterns, assumptions, and convictions that operate below the surface of conscious awareness. They shape our perceptions, behaviors, and reactions to various situations without us even realizing it...

How your childhood trauma affects your love life

Love is a beautiful and complex emotion that shapes our lives in profound ways. It can be a source of joy, fulfillment, and connection. However, for many adults, love can also be a source of pain, confusion, and struggle. Often, the key to understanding these challenges lies in our past...

10 subconscious beliefs blocking successful women from lasting love

Subconscious beliefs are deeply ingrained thought patterns, assumptions, and convictions that operate below the surface of conscious awareness. They shape our perceptions, behaviors, and reactions to various situations without us even realizing it...

How your childhood trauma affects your love life

Love is a beautiful and complex emotion that shapes our lives in profound ways. It can be a source of joy, fulfillment, and connection. However, for many adults, love can also be a source of pain, confusion, and struggle. Often, the key to understanding these challenges lies in our past...

How your early attachments shapes your love life

Love is a profound and complex emotion that influences every aspect of our lives, from our self-esteem to our relationships. The roots of our capacity to love can be traced back to our earliest experiences—the attachments we form with our parents or primary caregivers during childhood...

How your early attachments shapes your love life

Love is a profound and complex emotion that influences every aspect of our lives, from our self-esteem to our relationships. The roots of our capacity to love can be traced back to our earliest experiences—the attachments we form with our parents or primary caregivers during childhood...

Re-Programming the Subconscious Mind

Healing Modalities

This isn't a quick fix, or a magic pill. If you are looking for something like that, then please look somewhere else. Those who partake on this path are committed to their growth, transformation and personal development not only for themselves but for those they love. When you choose to work on yourself you are making your greatest contribution to yourself, your loved ones, and the world at large.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Transformational Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a methodology that allows you to get really clear on what you would like in life and then it works to revise the limiting subconscious beliefs and patterning that get in the way of you having what you would like.

Past trauma gets hard wired into your neurology and can plague you for many years after, causing limiting patterns and blocks to your ultimate happiness. When you start to understand how your brain really works you can begin to work with all parts of yourself instead of against yourself.

Transformational NLP is a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychology, and spirituality. Utilizing the latest innovations from quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, and systemic constellations we can uncover what has been stopping you from having the love life and life you truly desire and update the programming so your dominant frequency will now aligns with what you desire.

Family Constellations

Family constellations are a powerful that help people become free from unconscious ancestral trauma that gets handed down generationally.

Constellations have been known to heal and shift an undesired state or issue where other healing modalities have fallen short. What if that missing piece was tied to you ancestral lineage, something deeply embedded in you family system that has never been explored, until now?

Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and one of the founders of this work, discovered that people often unconsciously adopt familial patterns such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, fear, and aloneness as a way of belonging to those that gave them life.

In family constellations, these entanglements are revealed and acknowledged. A well facilitated constellation creates the space for the family order to be put back into its proper place. This allows for the client to have a new and better experience going forward.


Hypnosis is a very effective tool that allows you to easily and efficiently reprogram the subconscious mind. With hypnosis repetition is key! In hypnosis, techniques are utilized to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind.

The goal with hypnosis (as well as NLP) is to help people do what they want to do and stop doing what they don’t want to do. Hypnosis (as well as NLP) allows you to bridge the conscious mind and the subconscious mind so that they can work in harmony with each other, instead of against each other. Imagine achieving the things you want in life with ease, without unconsciously sabotaging yourself!

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of hyper-suggestibility.

When it comes to creating the change you would like to see in your life, you have to want the change. As a hypnotist we will never get anyone to make a change that is not acceptable to them.

Break free from self-sabotage—connect with Jess for your Introductory Call and start achieving the life you desire.

Break free from self-sabotage—connect with Jess for your Introductory Call and start achieving the life you desire.

The Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style & Their Difficulties In Love

For an individual with a Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style they feel the safest on their own. Some will date people who live far away while others will distance themselves in their relationships causing their partner to feel unloved...

The Anxious Preoccupied Attachment Style & Their Struggles In Romantic Relationships

For those with an Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment Style they constantly worry about whether or not their partner is cheating on them. Deep down they feel unworthy of love and will unconsciously behave in ways that will push their partner away. They tend to be drawn to, at an unconscious level, to partners with an avoidant attachment style...

The Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style & Their Push-Pull Love Dynamic

This push-pull dynamic in romantic relationships makes it very challenging if not impossible for the person with this attachment style to find a healthy loving long lasting relationship...

Break free from self-sabotage—connect with Jess for your Introductory Call and start achieving the life you desire.

Why over giving always backfires

For those of you out there who are looking to find a partner you can spend your life with then this for you. This one thing could be the reason why you have been stuck in a negative cycle in your relationships. This one thing could be the reason why you haven’t found someone you want to spend your life with... 

The Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style and Their Difficulties In Love

For an individual with a Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style they feel the safest on their own. Some will date people who live far away while others will distance themselves in their relationships causing their partner to feel unloved...

Why trauma bonds are so hard to break and how to free yourself

Trauma bonds are intense relationships. Children who have been abused or neglected tend to end up in trauma bonded relationships later on as adults. When these children become adults they tend to describe their mother or father or both as being a bully. The child feels intermittently seen by their parents, which is interwoven with feeling discarded, abandoned, and rejected...

Limerence: How being neglected leads to romantic obsession

We all have had a crush on someone. And we might even fantasize about our new crush as we are drifting off to sleep or maybe as we doodle in our notebook as we are daydreaming in school. And we do this because it feels good and it is fun. In a way limerence is kind of like that but it is more obsessive...

Break free from self-sabotage—connect with Jess for your Introductory Call and start achieving the life you desire.


Subconscious Designs, LLC © 2023 All rights reserved

The Anxious Preoccupied Attachment Style & Their Struggles In Romantic Relationships

For those with an Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment Style they constantly worry about whether or not their partner is cheating on them. Deep down they feel unworthy of love and will unconsciously behave in ways that will push their partner away. They tend to be drawn to, at an unconscious level, to partners with an avoidant attachment style...

The Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style and Their Push-Pull Dynamic in Love

This push-pull dynamic in romantic relationships makes it very challenging if not impossible for the person with this attachment style to find a healthy loving long lasting relationship...

Break free from self-sabotage—connect with Jess for your Introductory Call and start achieving the life you desire.

Why Over Giving Always Backfires

For those of you out there who are looking to find a partner you can spend your life with then this for you. This one thing could be the reason why you have been stuck in a negative cycle in your relationships. This one thing could be the reason why you haven’t found someone you want to spend your life with... 

Why trauma bonds are so hard to break and how to free yourself

Trauma bonds are intense relationships. Children who have been abused or neglected tend to end up in trauma bonded relationships later on as adults. When these children become adults they tend to describe their mother or father or both as being a bully. The child feels intermittently seen by their parents, which is interwoven with feeling discarded, abandoned, and rejected...

Limerence: How being neglected leads to romantic obsession

We all have had a crush on someone. And we might even fantasize about our new crush as we are drifting off to sleep or maybe as we doodle in our notebook as we are daydreaming in school. And we do this because it feels good and it is fun. In a way limerence is kind of like that but it is more obsessive...

Break free from self-sabotage—connect with Jess for your Introductory Call and start achieving the life you desire.


Subconscious Designs, LLC © 2023 All rights reserved