Jessica is a master at reprogramming the subconscious mind. She is a Certified Master NLP Practitioner, Certified Family Constellation Facilitator and a Certified Consulting Hypnotist who works virtually with people all over the world.
Jessica is a master at reprogramming the subconscious mind. She is a Certified Master NLP Practitioner, Certified Family Constellation Facilitator and a Certified Consulting Hypnotist who works virtually with people all over the world.
The individuals Jessica works with are highly motivated individuals who keep running up against obstacles no matter how much they try to change things.
They have gone to talk therapy, tried different healing modalities, and still haven't gotten the results they are looking for. They've learned behaviors that obstruct their own path to achievement, often due to underlying fears, insecurities, or past experiences.
They recognize that they have destructive patterns have been repeating their entire lives, and they are ready to put an end to it. These patterns exists because we carry unconscious wounds from our formative years with our primary caregivers that are hardwired into our neurology, along with reliving ancestral trauma that was never healed.
Through transformational NLP interventions, Family Constellations, Hypnosis, and online video support, Jessica helps individuals reprogram their subconscious mind and update their neurology so that they can more easily reach their full potential.
Revising these unwanted patterns at a subconscious level helps them achieve their goal in their health, wealth, business and relationships.
The individuals Jessica works with are highly motivated individuals who keep running up against obstacles no matter how much they try to change things.
They have gone to talk therapy, tried different healing modalities, and still haven't gotten the results they are looking for. They've learned behaviors that obstruct their own path to achievement, often due to underlying fears, insecurities, or past experiences.
They recognize that they have destructive patterns have been repeating their entire lives, and they are ready to put an end to it. These patterns exists because we carry unconscious wounds from our formative years with our primary caregivers that are hardwired into our neurology, along with reliving ancestral trauma that was never healed.
Through transformational NLP interventions, Family Constellations, Hypnosis, and online video support, Jessica helps individuals reprogram their subconscious mind and update their neurology so that they can more easily reach their full potential.
Revising these unwanted patterns at a subconscious level helps them achieve their goal in their health, wealth, business and relationships.
This isn't a quick fix, or a magic pill. If you are looking for something like that, then please look somewhere else. Those who partake on this path are committed to their growth, transformation and personal development not only for themselves but for those they love. When you choose to work on yourself you are making your greatest contribution to yourself, your loved ones and the world at large. Below you will find the 3 pillars Jessica uses to release individuals from self-sabotage programming.
Transformational Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a methodology that allows you to get really clear on what you would like in life and then it works to revise the limiting subconscious beliefs and patterning that get in the way of you having what you would like.
Past trauma gets hard wired into your neurology and can plague you for many years after, causing limiting patterns and blocks to your ultimate happiness. When you start to understand how your brain really works you can begin to work with all parts of yourself instead of against yourself.
Transformational NLP is a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychology, and spirituality. Utilizing the latest innovations from quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, and systemic constellations we can uncover what has been stopping you from having the love life and life you truly desire and update the programming so your dominant frequency will now aligns with what you desire.
Family constellations are a powerful that help people become free from unconscious ancestral trauma that gets handed down generationally.
Constellations have been known to heal and shift an undesired state or issue where other healing modalities have fallen short. What if that missing piece was tied to you ancestral lineage, something deeply embedded in you family system that has never been explored, until now?
Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and one of the founders of this work, discovered that people often unconsciously adopt familial patterns such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, fear, and aloneness as a way of belonging to those that gave them life.
In family constellations, these entanglements are revealed and acknowledged. A well facilitated constellation creates the space for the family order to be put back into its proper place. This allows for the client to have a new and better experience going forward.
Hypnosis is a very effective tool that allows you to easily and efficiently reprogram the subconscious mind. With hypnosis repetition is key! In hypnosis, techniques are utilized to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind.
The goal with hypnosis (as well as NLP) is to help people do what they want to do and stop doing what they don’t want to do. Hypnosis (as well as NLP) allows you to bridge the conscious mind and the subconscious mind so that they can work in harmony with each other, instead of against each other. Imagine achieving the things you want in life with ease, without unconsciously sabotaging yourself!
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of hyper-suggestibility.
When it comes to creating the change you would like to see in your life, you have to want the change. As a hypnotist we will never get anyone to make a change that is not acceptable to them.
Family Constellations look at a family system for whatever the issue may be whether it is for relationships, health, or career. It makes visible the hidden dynamics that are operating in the family that keep people stuck. Family Constellations have a way of moving mountains where other healing modalities have failed.
This isn't a quick fix, or a magic pill. If you are looking for something like that, then please look somewhere else. Those who partake on this path are committed to their growth, transformation and personal development not only for themselves but for those they love. When you choose to work on yourself you are making your greatest contribution to yourself, your loved ones, and the world at large. Below you will find the 3 pillars Jessica uses to release individuals from generational programming.
Transformational Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a methodology that allows you to get really clear on what you would like in life and then it works to revise the limiting subconscious beliefs and patterning that get in the way of you having what you would like.
Past trauma gets hard wired into your neurology and can plague you for many years after, causing limiting patterns and blocks to your ultimate happiness. When you start to understand how your brain really works you can begin to work with all parts of yourself instead of against yourself.
Transformational NLP is a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychology, and spirituality. Utilizing the latest innovations from quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, and systemic constellations we can uncover what has been stopping you from having the love life and life you truly desire and update the programming so your dominant frequency will now aligns with what you desire.
Family constellations are a powerful that help people become free from unconscious ancestral trauma that gets handed down generationally.
Constellations have been known to heal and shift an undesired state or issue where other healing modalities have fallen short. What if that missing piece was tied to you ancestral lineage, something deeply embedded in you family system that has never been explored, until now?
Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and one of the founders of this work, discovered that people often unconsciously adopt familial patterns such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, fear, and aloneness as a way of belonging to those that gave them life.
In family constellations, these entanglements are revealed and acknowledged. A well facilitated constellation creates the space for the family order to be put back into its proper place. This allows for the client to have a new and better experience going forward.
Hypnosis is a very effective tool that allows you to easily and efficiently reprogram the subconscious mind. With hypnosis repetition is key! In hypnosis, techniques are utilized to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind.
The goal with hypnosis (as well as NLP) is to help people do what they want to do and stop doing what they don’t want to do. Hypnosis (as well as NLP) allows you to bridge the conscious mind and the subconscious mind so that they can work in harmony with each other, instead of against each other. Imagine achieving the things you want in life with ease, without unconsciously sabotaging yourself!
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of hyper-suggestibility.
When it comes to creating the change you would like to see in your life, you have to want the change. As a hypnotist we will never get anyone to make a change that is not acceptable to them.
Family Constellations look at a family system for whatever the issue may be whether it is for relationships, health, or career. It makes visible the hidden dynamics that are operating in the family that keep people stuck. Family Constellations have a way of moving mountains where other healing modalities have failed.